ESL - Francais

Formations linguistiques pour les entreprises
Anglais (Langue étrangère) pour les expatriés et leurs familles.
Formation linguistique pour les entreprises, cours en groupes et cours individuels

ESL / ENL – Anglais Langue Etrangère


cours collectifs





ESL / ENL - Anglais Langue Etrangère
Pourquoi choisir Midwest Language Services LLC ?
Depuis 2004, Midwest Language Services propose à travers le territoire américain et au-delà, des cours d’anglais langue étrangère aux apprenants adultes souhaitant maitriser l’anglais de tous les jours, mais également des cours d’anglais des affaires pour les apprenants ayant des besoins professionnels.
Nous proposons des cours personnalisés, un suivi de haute qualité ainsi qu’un service client exceptionnel. Nous proposons un service à la hauteur de l’excellence de nos clients. Nous portons une attention toute particulière à nos clients, tout comme nous aimerions être traités.
Nous proposons des cours de langues mais nous offrons également à nos élèves la possibilité de découvrir la culture américaine à travers nos leçons et sorties.
Nous comptons parmi nos clients, des multinationales, leurs employés et membres de leurs familles.

Notre offre:
Anglais de la vie courante
Anglais des affaires
Anglais pour des besoin particuliers
Cours de conversation
Cours de prononciation/ intonation/ accent/ accent tonique
Préparation de présentation et relecture de newsletters d’entreprise
TOEIC (oral et écrit) : préparation et centre d’examen
Nos nouveaux étudiants bénéficient de:
Test de niveau en ligne gratuit
Abonnements mensuels à un périodique pour nouveaux arrivants aux Etats Unis , niveau anglais facile
Rappels automatiques par mail de vos horaires de cours 24hrs à l’avance
Possibilités de paiement mensuel pour les cours individuels

Nouveaux cours Anglais Langue Etrangère
Anglais Langue Etrangere Indianapolis, expats Indiana, services de relocalisation  , Nouveaux Cours,
Les cours ci-dessous sont proposés dans nos locaux à Indianapolis
735 Shelby St.
Suite 106
Indianapolis, IN 46203
Le tarif est de $75.00 pour 4 semaines
Débutant / Conversation basique: Ce cours s’adresse aux étudiants ayant un niveau de communication assez basique. Si vous avez des compétences linguistiques vous permettant de communiquer simplement sur des thématiques de la vie courante et que vous connaissez déjà des expressions courantes, ce cours sera adapté à vos besoins. Le cours portera essentiellement sur le perfectionnement en matière de grammaire et de vocabulaire. (CEFRL A1-A2)
Niveau intermédiaire: Ce cours s’adresse aux étudiants souhaitant se perfectionner à l’oral et améliorer leurs compétences grammaticales. Nous aborderons l’expression orale à travers diffèrent sujets, ainsi que l’utilisation de divers temps verbaux, passé, présent et futur.. Les thématiques couvriront des domaines tels que les loisirs, objectifs et projets de vie. (CEFRL B1-B2)
Conversation informelle (Type groupe MeetUp): Ce groupe vise à permettre à des anglophones non natifs de comprendre les conversations de la vie courante : allant de type de conversations pour faire connaissance, aux sujets de types différences culturelles ou encore l’actualité. Ce cours couvre un ensemble de compétences permettant aux étudiants d’écouter et d’apprendre en groupe.
Les sujets seront dans un premier temps proposés par l’enseignant pour à terme laisser les étudiants définir les thématiques de conversation. ( Niveau intermédiaire à niveau avancé, CEFRL B1-C1)

9H00 -10H00  - Débutant / Conversation basique
10:00 AM-11:00 AM - Débutant / Conversation basique
11H00-12H00  – Niveau intermédiaire
13H00-14H00 - Niveau intermédiaire
14H15-15H15 – Conversation informelle
15H30-16H30 -Conversation informelle
17H00-18H00 - Débutant / Conversation basique
18H15-19H15 - Niveau intermédiaire

15H30 – 16H30 Débutant / Conversation basique
17H00 – 18H00 PM Débutant / Conversation basique
18H00 – 19H00 Niveau intermédiaire
19H00 – 20H00 Conversation

15H30 – 16H30  Niveau intermédiaire
17H00 – 18H00 Niveau intermédiaire
18H00 – 19H00 Conversation
19H00 – 20H00 Niveau intermédiaire

9H00 -10H00 - Débutant / Conversation basique
10H00 -11H00 - Débutant / Conversation basique
11H00 -12H00 - Niveau intermédiaire
13H00-14H00 - Niveau intermédiaire
14H15-15H15 - Conversation informelle
15H30-16H30 - Conversation informelle
17H00-18H00 - Débutant / Conversation basique
18H15-19H15 - Niveau intermédiaire

"Les cours avec Midwest ont permis à mon épouse d’améliorer ses compétences linguistiques et de prendre confiance en elle." - R. Silva
“Je suis très satisfait des services proposés par Midwest Language Services. Ils sont très flexibles et offrent différents types de cours et différents horaires , notamment des cours a domicile, ce qui est d’autant plus pratique. Mon formateur était très compétent en matière de pédagogie. J’ai suivi la formation de modification d’accent. Ceci m’a permis d’apprendre beaucoup de techniques et exercices ainsi que des explications grammaticales afin de m’améliorer dans ce domaine » --Pablo Da Rosa


Field Trips and Experiential English in Columbus, Indiana

Field Trips and Experiential English in Columbus, Indiana

Experiential learning gives ESL students the opportunity to learn what they have learned in class to help them become independent members of their community.

Overcoming Culture Shock - Adjusting to a New Country

Moving to a new country can be exciting. In the beginning stage of the move, everything is new. There are new places to see, new foods to try, and new things to do. However, there are other stages of living in a new country that are not so pleasant. The purpose of this blog post is to help prepare you for your move. It might also help you if you have already moved and are experiencing sadness from being away from home.

If you know that there are different phases of culture shock, this might help you know that this feeling is normal. After a time, things will get better.

1. Excitement - You have moved because of new work opportunities or for a better life. There are a lot of reasons why people move. When you first arrive, you may be so busy unpacking and getting your new home or apartment set up, that you are too busy to think about anything else. You want to learn about this new place that you will be calling "home" for a while.

2. Frustration - You may be using a new language and simple tasks such as going to the store or going out to eat provide new challenges. You might understand parts of conversations at work, but you don't have enough language skills to be able to add anything to the conversation quickly. Then you realize every day is going to be like this for a while. You might wonder why you ever moved to begin with. You might feel that you should have stayed in your home country. You might start to feel some sadness and even deep sadness for a long time (depression).

3. Adjustment - You start to have a routine of things you do every day or every week to keep you busy. You start to see familiar faces and maybe even make a few new friends. Your navigation of places to go and your routines become easier. You don't compare your home country to your new country as often. If you work, you start understanding more vocabulary and start learning common expressions and short sentences that are used often.

4. Acceptance - Even though there is no place like home, you feel comfortable in your new country. You may not understand why people do what they do in this new place, but you accept that this is what locals do. If it's time to go back home, you might even feel sad about leaving because you now actually like your current home and have made some friends.

Tips for overcoming culture shock:

1. If you live in the United States where there isn't much public transportation, get a driver's license. This will enable you to find new places to go and more things to do in your free time.

2. Take English classes. Learn everyday English sentences or take a business English class. This will help make your everyday life easier. This is also a good way to get to know other people who are new to the United States.

3. Be patient. Learning a new language is a lot of work. You may not learn as fast as you want to, but don't quit.

4. Try to find things to do every day or every week that you can look forward to.

5. Get plenty of sleep. Everyone feels better when they have enough rest. It is easier to have a good attitude anywhere in the world if you get at least seven hours of sleep.

6. Eat healthy food. If you get sick, being away from home will be more difficult. Try to stay healthy to avoid getting sick.

7. Talk with friends and family using e-mail, Skype, Line, or WhatsApp. These days, it is much easier to stay in contact with people you know than ever before.

New ESL Classes

Here is an introduction to some of our new classes that are available at our Indianapolis office.

Beginner/Basic Communication:
This class is for students that already have very basic communication skills. If you can speak in a simple way about routines and already know some frequently used expressions, this course will be beneficial. The focus will be on perfecting grammar and increasing vocabulary.  (CEFRL A1-A2)

This class is for students who would like to practice conversation and improve their grammar. We will learn to speak about a variety of topics using various verb tenses in past, present and future. Some topics include hobbies, goals and plans for life. (CEFRL B1-B2)

Casual Conversation (MeetUp Style group):
This group is to give non-native English speakers an understanding of daily conversation, which can include anything from get-to-know you conversations, cultural differences, or current events. There will be a range of abilities in order for students to be able to hear and learn from others. Topics will be provided for discussion, but ultimately it is up to the students to determine where their interests lie and what they want to discuss. (Intermediate to Advanced, CEFRL B1-C1)


9:00 AM-10:00 AM - Beginner

10:00 AM-11:00 AM - Beginner

11:00 AM-12:00 PM - Intermediate

1:00-2:00 PM - Intermediate

2:15-3:15 PM - Casual Conversation

3:30-4:30 PM -Casual Conversation

5:00-6:00 PM - Beginner

6:15-7:15 PM - Intermediate


3:30 - 4:30 PM Beginner

5:00 - 6:00 PM Beginner

6:00 - 7:00 PM Intermediate

7:00 - 8:00 PM Conversation


3:30 - 4:30 PM Intermediate

5:00 - 6:00 PM Intermediate

6:00 - 7:00 PM Conversation

7:00 - 8:00 PM Intermediate


9:00 AM-10:00 AM - Beginner

10:00 AM-11:00 AM - Beginner

11:00 AM-12:00 PM - Intermediate

1:00-2:00 PM - Intermediate

2:15-3:15 PM - Casual Conversation

3:30-4:30 PM -Casual Conversation

5:00-6:00 PM - Beginner

6:15-7:15 PM - Intermediate

Interpreter Training Workshop - Interpreting in Palliative Care

Interpreter Training Workshops

We are offering an interpreter training workshop in Palliative Care on Saturday, May 12, 2018 from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The location may change, depending on the number of students. The deadline to enroll is April 23, 2018.

Interpreting in Palliative Care - CANCELLED


This is a workshop for interpreters in health care. Help improve your understanding of content and vocabulary you may encounter in palliative care, as it is a rapidly expanding area of medicine

There are three areas in which you may grow:

  • help optimize the quality of life for patients with serious illness

  • expand your knowledge

  • improve both your interpreting skills and your comfort level with palliative care settings


Training will be given by Liz Essary.

Thank you.

Cost: $99

735 Shelby St.

Indianapolis, IN 46203

May 12 from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM