Art Break Day

Title: Japanese Junior High School GirlDescription: “She is enjoying her school life.”Artist: “Summer” - Japan

Title: Japanese Junior High School Girl

Description: “She is enjoying her school life.”

Artist: “Summer” - Japan

International Art Break Day takes place every year on the first Friday in September. It was only in the past few years that Midwest Language Services, LLC has taken part in the event. This year, we invited our students and their families to participate. We only got a few entries, but are thankful for the participation.

Art is Moving is the organization that encourages people of all ability levels to take a break to make art and make it a part of their daily life. “When you take an art break, you reduce stress and anxiety while increasing understanding and connection with not only yourself, but the world around you.”

Title: OppositesDescription: While not specifically submitted for Art Break Day, Riku learned about opposites and illustrated them to help him remember them better.Artist: Riku - Japan

Title: Opposites

Description: While not specifically submitted for Art Break Day, Riku learned about opposites and illustrated them to help him remember them better.

Artist: Riku - Japan